webag automat
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webag automat 8.0

Release Notes
February 3, 2012

1. What is new?

1.1 Flex Report Generator
1.2 Call automat webpages with custom parameters
1.3 Editor without javascript
1.4 Improved HTML-code for the automat search-engine
1.5 Further improvements

2. Installation

2.1 Installation Requirements
2.2 Upgrade-Installation
2.3 New Installation


1. What is new?

1.1 Flex Report Generator

The new webag automat report generator creates HTML-reports from database content. The reports receive their content from SQL-SELECT-statements and creates an HTML report with comprehensive navigation features:

1.2 Call automat webpages with custom parameters

From now you can call automat webpages with custom parameters. You can use the parameter values in dynamic PL/SQL-blocks within your stencil- or trigger-code.

There new webpage-parameters are attached to the webpage url as a list of parameter-names (p_var=...) and a list of parameter-values (p_val=...), each delimited by a semicolon.


1.3 Editor without javascript

Under the WYSIWYG-Editor you can choose the link "Simple editor" to switch to a conventional multiline textarea input field. This option is meant as a workaroud for browsers without javascript support or in case of HTML page-content that is too complex for the standard editor.

1.4 Improved HTML-code for the automat search-engine

We have refurbished the HTML-code of the search-engine. There are no more tables and grey background colors. Thus the search-form and search-result fit into any web-design.

1.5 Further improvements

The authoring system has a more modern web design now. The left navigation tree has new icons. Dialog boxes are displayed with CSS3 drop-shadow. Beautiful tabs help to navigate through the authoring forms.

The search engine saves the pages unique TEXT_ID into the search-index. Thus it is easier for authors to find a page within the content database using the search field at the upper border of the authoring interface.

Automat 8.0 has a new mail-api. The new mail-package wt_mail offers functions for sending formatted HTML-emails and BLOB-attachments.

All internal Java-stored-procedures  have been moved into a single package called WT_JAVA_API. Reason: We intend to offe the webag automat also on the free-of-charge ebtry-level database Oracle Express, which has no Java capabilities.

We do not develop the old XML-form-system WT_FORM further. The left navigation tree shows the old "Forms"-subtree only when setting the new system-parameter ENABLE_WT_FORM = 1.

In automat 6.4 we introduced event-triggers in order to develop custom PL/SQL-enhancements to the automat standard functionality. The available triggers were BEFORE_SESSION_START, BEFORE_PUBLISH_PAGE and AFTER_PUBLISH_PAGE. We now add two more triggers: BEFORE_SHOW_PAGE fires before a webpage is send to the browser. AFTER_SHOW_PAGE fires directly after sending the page to the browser.

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2. Installation

2.1 Installation Requirements


Authoring workstation

2.2 Upgrade-Installation

2.2.1 Log off users

To do so, we would recommend closing down the Apache Web Server for the duration of the installation.

2.2.2 Backup

Before conducting the upgrade, back up your Automat database schema and the Automat Web Server folders.

2.2.3 Install software

Double-click on the command file upgrade.bat at the topmost level of the CD. This script starts the Oracle tool SQL *Plus. Answer the questions about the connect routine to your Automat scheme and about the Oracle RDBMS version you are using. This automatically starts the relevant SQL scripts. Next check the log files in the folder C:\Temp.

The installation-procedure starts with an Automat-schema requirements-check. If the check encounters errors ist will print the SQL-statements necessary to correct each error. Run the correction-statements using SQL*Plus and restart the upgrade-commandfile upgrade.bat then.

2.2.4 Update Automat Online Help

The Online Help files need to be replaced by the latest version in the \doc folder on the installation CD. The URL of the virtual web server path to the Help files can be found in the global settings parameters “HELPFILE_…” Copy all the files from the CD folder \doc to this destination.    

2.2.5 Copy Automat-Images

Copy the WebAG Automat Images into your websercer directory "/wt_img". Existing files may be overwritten.
Example: C:\> COPY  R:\automat\webserver\html\wt_img\*.*  D:\InetOracle\html\wt_img

2.2.6 Copy Automat-Stylesheets and Javascripts

Copy the WebAG Automat von der Installations-CD aus dem Verzeichnis "automat/webserver/html/automat/css" und "automat/webserver/html/automat/js" in Ihre Webserververzeichnisse "/automat/css" bzw. "/automat/js". Existing files may be overwritten.

2.2.7 Start Webserver

Now can restart the Apache webserver.

2.2.8 Check Workflow Background Job

The Automat workflows need an Oracle background job. This jobs has to load upload files into the search engine. Check if the job is running and (if not) restart it using the left Automat tree "System / General / Background jobs". A good job-repeat-interval is 5 minutes.

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2.3 New Installation

The installation of a new WebAG Automat system is described in detail in the Installation Guide.


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